A successful Amazon seller since 2016 tried a variety of repricers before they came on board with Seller Snap 2 years ago. They had searched extensively for a repricer that used an AI solution as the time and effort it took to reprice manually was just too much effort and not very lucrative. After discovering Seller Snap they tried the 15-day free trial, which was crucial for them to check if the solution was worth its price. They were very impressed with the fact that the Game Theory Repricer looks for pricing opportunities automatically, something a rule-based repricer can not deliver.
The company sells around 800 branded FBA goods in multiple Amazon categories, but primarily home improvement. They have been able to scale their company enormously with the help of Seller Snap. Before the company started using Seller Snap, they had a turnover of $33K per month from 1,500 ordered items. Since using Seller Snap, the business saw a 22% increase in revenue per month and a 30% monthly profit growth.
As well as loving the AI based repricer, the company takes advantage of the opportunity to set up repricing presets to find a solution for all different types of competition. With over 30 presets already created, they use the conditions to allow for different repricing methods to kick in automatically; at different times of day, when certain competitors come onto the listing, if Amazon is present on a listing, and so on. They are also widely using the SFP configurations that Seller Snap have set up to allow them to always be competitive when competing against Seller Fulfilled Prime.
Why Seller Snap? After trying at least three other repricing solutions, the company felt that the key point for a successful Amazon business is to be able to trust the repricing solution that you use. They trust Seller Snap to handle 99% of the operational day-to-day repricing needs. Seller Snap ensures that they are and stay competitive, while always finding the optimal price. They do not enter price wars, but find the opportunities to increase the price. Another great feature is that you are able to customize your reports within the UI, without having to do searches, or reconstruct the columns or date. This feature, called Views, gives the option to take a problem and address these per operational need such as out of stock listings, listings without the Buy Box, listings competing with Seller Fulfilled Prime, ordering needs etc.