Here’s a List of Amazon Tutorial Videos for Newbie Amazon Sellers | Start Selling on Amazon The Right Way

Selling on Amazon will require online sellers and entrepreneurs to equip themselves with the necessary knowledge to improve their online selling skills. Newbie sellers, in particular, should be familiar with how the Amazon platform works and what they can do to improve overall business performance. 

Given their lack of experience, new sellers must develop their skills. Continuous training and enhancement of technical knowledge are crucial for success on Amazon. Here are some essential Amazon training videos and instructional content to help new Amazon sellers build their knowledge and broaden their understanding of the business.

Top Amazon Training Videos for New Sellers | Instructional Videos

Amazon is passionate about making instructional videos and releasing them periodically for the convenience of its users, shoppers, and sellers alike. To improve your skills in managing and optimizing your Amazon business, consider the following essential video tutorials.




These video instructions are ideal for visual learners and those always on the go, as they can be played even with mobile devices. These videos cover Amazon seller activities and tasks such as listing optimization, repricing, and advertising.

1. How To Use the Seller Central Dashboard? | Amazon Dashboard Tutorial Video 

The Amazon Seller Central Dashboard is a vital tool for managing your Amazon business. This platform allows you to monitor and manage inventory, orders, Amazon ads, account health, and key performance metrics.

To improve efficiency and streamline business operations, it’s essential for Amazon sellers to become familiar with the Amazon dashboard. This tutorial video highlights its important features and functions.



2. How Does Amazon FBA Work? | Amazon FBA Overview

When selling on Amazon, there are two main fulfillment options: Amazon FBA and FBM. Amazon FBA is the most popular option for sellers because of its convenience. If you intend to use Amazon FBA for your Amazon business, this guide is a must-watch.



Many sellers opt for Amazon FBA due to its convenience, as Amazon handles the picking, packing, storing, and shipping of items. If you plan to start an Amazon FBA business on a limited budget, here are some key considerations to remember.

Inventory: Amazon FBA is an ideal option with a large inventory. High-volume sellers can greatly benefit from FBA.

Fees: Utilizing Amazon’s infrastructure comes with associated costs. Be prepared for the expenses involved with FBA.

Control: Be aware that Amazon will handle most tasks related to order fulfillment, which means you will have less control over picking, packing, and shipping.

Support: Amazon will provide customer support when you use FBA. 


3. How to Become a Featured Offer? | Winning Buy Box Tutorial Video

The Featured Offer on Amazon, also known as the Buy Box, is a highly sought-after spot that can give your business a competitive edge. Whether you are an Amazon FBA or FBM seller, winning the Buy Box can significantly enhance your Amazon business’s overall performance. 

Sellers who understand the importance of the Buy Box and aim to win more Buy Box are poised to increase their sales. It is estimated that more than 80% of Amazon’s sales transactions happen through the Buy Box. 

To better understand the concept of the Amazon Featured Offer, here is a video guide. It provides an overview of Buy Box requirements, strategies, and tools to help you win more Amazon Buy Box opportunities.



4. How to Price Your Amazon Products? | Product Optimization Video Guide

The product price is one of the key components the Amazon algorithm evaluates when awarding the Amazon Buy Box. Price optimization is crucial when selling on Amazon. Unlike other platforms, product pricing influences not just the behavior of consumers but also your overall performance metrics. Hence, it is important to have a reliable pricing strategy. 

This video tutorial on pricing products in the Amazon store will help you understand Amazon product pricing concepts, such as competitive pricing, lowest price, and price setting.



As Amazon sellers,  pricing your products carefully is crucial to maximizing sales while complying with Amazon’s fair pricing policy. Most sellers automate the product pricing process with the help of an Amazon repricer

Automated repricers or AI repricers will automatically adjust product listing prices based on multiple factors such as price change notifications, competitor behavior, and the overall market condition.  For more information on AI repricers, check out the Youtube video below:




5. How to Enroll Your Brand on Amazon? | Amazon Brand Registry Tutorial Video

Establishing your brand on Amazon is made easier with the help of Amazon Brand Registry. To help online sellers and entrepreneurs legitimize their brands on Amazon, they can utilize the Brand Registry program. To enroll your brand, here’s a good tutorial video you can follow:



6. Understanding Account Health | Account Health Dashboard Video Guide

Monitoring your overall Amazon business performance is important, especially if you aim for growth and longevity in the business. The Account Health Dashboard plays a key role in this. It helps sellers quickly check their account status and performance. If you are new to Amazon, here’s a video recording of the Account Health Dashboard for easy navigation tips


To maintain your Account Health Rating (AHR), you should include the following tasks in your checklist:

  • Ensure Accurate Product Presentation: Providing false or inaccurate information can lower your AHR.
  • Respond Promptly to Customer Queries: Make it a habit to respond to customers within 12 hours, and keep responses professional and informative.
  • Sell Quality Products: Satisfied customers positively impact your AHR.
  • Check Amazon Policy Updates: Stay informed to avoid infractions or costly mistakes.
  • Follow Amazon’s Seller Code of Conduct: Adhere strictly to ensure a safe and satisfactory experience for you and your customers.


7. How To Sell Internationally With Amazon | Amazon Global Selling Tutorial Video

Amazon is an international marketplace that operates in around 20 countries. If you intend to participate in Amazon’s international marketplaces, you can do so by enrolling in the Amazon Global Selling program. To get started with selling internationally on Amazon, check out the video tutorial below:


8. Getting Started With Amazon Ads | Amazon Ads Video Guide

Another critical component of your Amazon business is your advertising campaign. Unlike other online selling platforms offering limited advertising solutions, Amazon provides sellers with various ad solutions to address multiple business goals. Here’s an overview of the advertising solution to get you started with Amazon Ads. 


Some of the popular advertising solutions utilized by Amazon sellers include: 

Sponsored Brands: This Amazon ad can help brand owners increase discoverability and awareness for their brand and product portfolio. The ads will appear in the relevant shopping results.  

Sponsored Products: This Amazon Ad is a powerful tool for promoting individual products through cost-per-click (CPC) ads. Not only does it drive clicks, but it also plays a crucial role in guiding informed buying decisions.

Sponsored Display: Amazon Display ad is an ad solution intended to target consumers on and off the Amazon website. It is an ideal tool for brand-registered sellers who want to reach audiences on various platforms. 


9. How to Create Amazon Listing? |  Amazon Listing Optimization Tutorial Video

In addition to choosing a fulfillment method, optimizing your product listings is essential for increasing visibility and engagement. For brand owners, here’s a practical guide on optimizing your Amazon listings to boost sales.


10. How to Manage Your Inventory on Seller Central? | Inventory Management Training Video

Selling on Amazon allows you access to Seller Central to check and manage your inventory. Amazon’s inventory management tool can help you avoid overstocking or out-of-stock scenarios. To navigate Seller Central’s Manage Inventory section, refer to the video content below:



Training for Success 

An improved understanding of how to sell on Amazon can significantly enhance your success rate in the business. For new sellers, watching the instructional video examples above can greatly improve your selling skills and business management capabilities. Alternatively, other Amazon influencers are making video tutorials to help sellers improve their Amazon business. 

The instructional videos listed above can serve as a starting point to enhance your knowledge of the Amazon marketplace. In addition to watching Amazon training videos, it is beneficial to utilize Amazon seller tools to manage and optimize your business more effectively.

Some popular tools newbie sellers should use include an Amazon repricer, keyword research tools, inventory management software, and feedback management tools. The software providers of these tools also offer their own video tutorials to help users use the software effectively. 

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